General Assembly Agenda

The General Assembly of the International Geodetic Student Organisation (IGSO) will be held on the 30th June 2012 during the XXVII International Geodetic Student Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.

The International Geodetic Student Agency (IGSA) of Istanbul, the previous IGSA (Wroclaw), the future IGSA (Espoo) and the Auditors of Accounts of IGSM 2013 should prepare their reports in advance to be presented at the General Assembly.

Members willing to host the XXIX IGSM in 2016 should contact the current IGSA (Istanbul) and prepare a short proposal or presentation to be shown during the Assembly.

Organisations that wish to become a member of IGSO should nominate one of their delegates to prepare a short speech requesting membership for their institutions.

Existing members of the IGSO are invited to send items for the agenda in advance to the current IGSA (Istanbul) or bring them forward at the General Assembly.

1. Opening of General Assembly

2. Election of the Vote Counters

3. Report on the XXVI IGSM 2013 (IGSA Wroclaw)

4. Report from Auditors of IGSM 2013

5. Approval of the Auditors' Report on the Finances of IGSM 2013

6. Treasurer's Preliminary Financial Report for IGSM 2014 (IGSA İstanbul)

7. Approval of the Preliminary Financial Report for IGSM 2014 and the Statement of Accounts

8. Appoint the Auditors of Accounts for IGSO 2014

9. Appoint the next IGSA (IGSA Espoo)

10. Presentation by delegates from Aalto University (IGSM 2015)

11. Approval of the plan of work and budget of the XXVIII IGSM in Wroclaw 2015

12. Fixation of the Membership Fee and Participation Fee of the IGSM 2015

13. Presentation by institutions bidding to host IGSM 2016

14. Decision on the venue of the XXVII IGSM 2016

15. Report on the Articles of Association and proposed changes

16. Honours

17. Admissions of new member institutions to the IGSO

18. Any other business

19. Close